Premium Organic Coffee
Organic Medium Roast – Ground/Whole Coffee, 100% Arabica Colombian Coffee, Fresh Roast, Saxonville Mills Coffee, 1 or 5 lbs.
This selection of coffee comes from the best micro-lots in Risaralda and Tolima, Colombia. It is grown at 1,800 M.A.S.L, which allows you to obtain a single-origin, high-quality coffee directly from the tree to your cup.
Sourced from small coffee farmers registered with the Association of Specialty Coffee Producers, Procafes, and Finca Flor de Apía. By acquiring products from Andina Cafe or Saxonville Mills Coffee by Andina, the consumer will enrich the lives and communities of those who grow it. It will also promote sustainability and innovation programs in the harvesting processes in Colombia.
This coffee is grown without pesticides by Flor de Apia with their bio-ecological techniques and is 100% integrated with nature.
100% integrated with nature, sweet and smooth with low acidity.
USDA Organic Certified.
They are grown without pesticides by Colombian family collectors using their bioecological techniques.
Origin: Haciendas de Risaralda y Tolima.